Titan and PokerSavvy League
Good news, it looks like the Titan League has been moved to 8:30 EST. Maybe this will get more participation. It is a $2 rebuy on Mondays and Thursdays. Come knock me off my temporary first place pedestal. Hope to see you there.
I had fun at the Mookie last night and I hope Marx knew I was kidding about his river accomplishments. He knocked me out on the flop when I was a slight, but certainly not overwhelming, favorite. I then started to give him some ribbing about later hands, not about mine, but something like 3 hands in a row that he was able to catch his cards. I think I was getting lumped in with SLBs comments especially when Marx had flush draws and SLB kept calling him a donkey . MiamiDon had enough and told the "cry babies" on the rail to shut up and "the rail is closed." I know it shouldn't matter, I just didn't want anyone to think I was chirping about a bad beat, I was just messing with Marx and his good fortune, not his play. I was quite surprised, not appalled, at his graphic comebacks to SLB and that's when I made my comment about winning friends and influencing people. Now SLB on the other hand......he seems to have someone new in his sites each week. I don't have the skills to ever question someone else's play, let alone justify my inner donkey. If I got that upset about other peoples' play, I don't think I could ever enter a MTT. I will just have to make sure I'm not on the other end of any future encounters. LOL.