Hey, I’ve Been Tagged
I feel like a bear in Jellystone.
Kajagugu and 23skidoo hit me up for the 7 things meme. It’s good to have new friends. I have already done the 100 things, but here is some more for your reading pleasure.
1) I have never stepped foot into a poker room. The closest I came was at the MGM a couple of years ago when I asked the guy at the board what time their daily tournaments were held.
2) I have been to LA, but it was so foggy that day, I never saw the water, downtown or any of the sights. It could have been Paducah for all I know.
3) When I play poker online at home, I am always listening to nothing but Seal. ALWAYS!
4) I can name more poker pros than professional athletes or presidents. That is quite sad really. I’m sure that makes baby Lincoln cry.
5) I rarely have bad dreams, but when I do, it’s the same theme. For some reason Stacie and I are no longer together and it make me upset every time.
6) I used to wear an earring for years. Although I don’t now, the hole is still visible.
7) I have a scar next to my left eye. When I was a kid, we were having a BB gun war and one ricocheted I took it right outside my eyeball. It scared the shit out of me and we lied to my grandma when I came in the house bleeding from under my eyebrow.
To tag: FishyMcDonk, Tripjax, David Westbay, and Guin.
You, an ear ring?
Look me up at the game. Our seats are at the end of the screen on the Braves side.
There was this icycle... and it fell on me...
You'll shoot your eye out kid!
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